Organic Tahini Whole Sesame in bulk / Βιολογικό Ταχίνι ολικής αλέσεως - χύμα
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Tahini is a completely natural product, derived from selected sesame seeds. These seeds then go through a process of peeling and drying and are then mashed, creating an oily cream, the familiar tahini to all of us. Its name comes from the Turkish language, where it literally means "sesame pulp". Valuable ingredients This is a nutritional treasure as tahini contains many nutrients, valuable for human health.
More specifically, it is rich in proteins, vitamins (E, B1, B2, niacin etc., amino acids and carbohydrates. Rarely does a single food manage to combine all these ingredients, which are necessary for the good functioning of the body and for For this reason, many consider tahini to be a superfood. Where does it benefit? Tahini is rich in calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
Greek product, ground in a stone mill.
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Βιολογικό Προϊόν | |
Χώρα | ΕΛΛΑΔΑ |
Συστατικά | Πολτός αναποφλοίωτου σησαμιού* αλεσμένο σε πετρόμυλο. (*= Προϊόν βιολογικής γεωργίας). |
Διατροφικά στοιχεία ανά 100γρ. | Ενέργεια: 2766kJ/673kcal - Λιπαρά: 61g εκ των οποίων κορεσμένα: 10g - Υδατάνθρακες: 11g εκ των οποίων σάκχαρα: 0,1g - Φ. Ίνες: 10g - Πρωτεΐνες: 25g - Αλάτι: 0g |